6 Top Freelancing Skills You Should Have in 2022


1. Graphic design

With an exponential rise in online businesses, there has been a steady demand  in website designing, Instagram marketing, brand marketing, UX design etc. This is where graphic designers come into the picture. Not only do they help solve all design-related problems, they have a significant role in bringing the brand’s voice come alive through innovative graphics. Their visually-engaging designs are often used as feature images for articles, brand videos, landing pages of websites, Instagram reels and posts, newsletters, leaflets etc. In fact graphics and design play a significant role in anything related to consumer engagement.

Graphic designing is one of top freelance skills of 2022Some of the important skills you need as a graphic designer include a thorough knowledge of design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, as well as other simpler tools like InkscapeFigmaCanva, and Affinity Designer. It’s time you brush up your freelance design skills for a delightful start with your freelancing career.  


2. Social media marketing 

Social media marketing is a misleading term! In order to be a social media marketer, you need to be good at designing, copywriting, video editing, and most importantly, storytelling. Knowledge of simpler video editing and design tools, a knack for innovative ideas, branding solutions and a sense of humour goes a long way in being a successful social media manager. Besides, a love for media analytics and making engaging fun content is needed for someone handling social media.

Social media marketing is a great skills to have in 2022

Also, depending on the kind of platform you are managing, it’s important that you know what works where! 


3. Website development for coders and software engineers 

In order to be a successful web developer, you need a fine balance of coding and business skills. Learning how to code with HTML, CSS, and Javascript are some of the basic skills needed to start out as a freelance web developer. 

Website development and coding is one of the most sought-after skills in the 21st century

But, that is not enough. With technology being used in many different ways in the ever-evolving network of the web, it is important that you are constantly learning and improving. Soft skills like time management, communication, an understanding of business development and UX are also needed to flourish as a website developer. 


4. Content writing

With a rise in online businesses, content writing has become one of the most sought-after skills by entrepreneurs. Nowadays, it is used as an umbrella term for content marketing, copywriting, email marketing, features writing etc. However, in order to thrive as a freelance content writer, you would need to develop some supplementary skills like SEO writing, some basic graphic design, digital marketing, CMS, and often, an understanding of web design. 

It is a good idea to learn content writing and content marketingNeedless to say, you should have the ability to write neat copies and edit them well !  


5.  Website design 

This is yet another one of those professions that demand that you know a little bit of everything. An eye for aesthetics and advanced visual design skills are some of the basic requirements for being a website designer. Knowledge about visual design tools like fonts, colour palettes, grid systems, typography etc. is vital. A thorough knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and UX are needed to thrive as a website designer. Sometimes, writing SEO-related copy is also needed in order to ensure steady traffic to the website being developed.

Website design is a good freelance career But, do not get overwhelmed because there are numerous tutorials and courses to help you through the same. 


6.  Data analyst

As someone using data to generate information, data analysts typically require a high level of mathematical abilities. For them, a degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Data Analysis or such specialized degrees can be beneficial. An understanding of ethical sourcing of data is also required in an age which runs on information. 

Freelancing as a data analyst makes a lot of money Some computer languages that can be useful for data analysts include R and Python. A thorough knowledge of data visualization tools like Tableau often comes handy. 

Bonus point: If you have the required skills, you can earn an enormous amount of money as a data analyst.   

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